On top is an image I created by drawing in biro then rendering on Illustrator. Below is a Rough idea for a double page magazine layout I created by repeating my drawn pattern. I want to experiment more with this technique of using a biro then reworking digitally, I like the effect it creates.

These two images are different compositions of a previous image. I wanted these images to look less human and more computerised I think I have achieved this.

The image on the bottom I created using the two eyes from the 3D glasses, I wanted to play with our relationship with technology, and how our society used to fear it I think this works reasonably well because this image reminds of the computer from 2001 a space odyssey. The image on top I created by scrambling it on Illustrator and the screen grabbing it.
This is an image I created by photographing my face with 3D glasses on and then editing using photoshop. I wanted to give this image a sci-fi feel, to play with relationship between humans and technology. I want try some other compositions of this image.

These are two images I created by scanning in brown paper and a match box, then stencilling type on with ink. I tried splashing on a border with ink but I feel the empty space around the original lets the composition work better.